Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble, Gobble

Yes it was the annual Turkey Day Party. Max was a great help! He is totally getting into the whole thing. We had fun doing the bird together. First we brined the turkey in salt, brown sugar, citrus and herbs yesterday. Then we watched a video on the trussed the be honest I didnt even know what that word meant, but as I was procrastinating on, I came upon the video and watched. Alton Brown is such a dork and that's probably why I love him! We had to keep running from the kitchen to the computer and replay the video over and over to figure out what we were doing, but in the end I think we got it. you didn't even know what trussing was either did ya? It's bird S & M, so that when it's done, it's not all splayed out like a porn star.Then Max got to use his new birthday toy that Sophia and I gave him,
to see if the turkey was cooked enough.
You know Holber, when there is food involved, he is always the first to the table.
This year he didnt even wait for the turkey to get cut.
(BTW we watched a video on FNW.C for that too, it really helped!)
Gathering around the guest of honor (the turkey).
We forgot to break the wishbone with everyone,
so Max and I did it this year...guess who got the short end.
And the winner is....Max!
I hope he wished that he doesn't get indigestion tonight, he sure did eat a lot!

(I'm going to start keeping track of how big and how much the turkey cost, just for kicks and giggles. So this year she was 6 kilos and 40 Euro).
Remind me next year to see how much that changes.

Monday, November 24, 2008


We went to play at PiaNdato's house and to eat up the second cake from Max's Bday!
Antonello pasted with the girls.

First Snow

Today was the first snow of the year.
It wasn't much and it'll melt by the end of the day, but Sophia was excited!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Good Lordy, the man is 40!

So I guess that does it, I am decidedly not a cougar...i'm shackin' up with an old man, not a young one! Well at least the old guy looks good for his age! Since the old timer had to work on his real birthday (Nov 9), the party got postponed until today. We had only the nearest and dearest of friends over, which was nice.
Happy Birthday Max!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

As Brad Pitt with a Mustache says..

It's cute to parents but probably obnoxious to others: We needed to make a doctor's appointment so I asked Max 'Could you call the Doctor for me?' Before he had time to respond, Sophia says 'I'll do it for you Mommy,' and then went around the house shouting 'Doctor, Doctor.' Ha if it were only that easy to get an appointent!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Getting up on the wrong side of the bed

I went to go wake up Sophia this morning and this is how I found her.

Monday, November 17, 2008

the Kids Fair

Max's parents came over for a visit and to install our new stove top (something new broke each week on the old one). There was a kids' fair at the old Fiera in Milan that Franci told us about. PiaNdato and Bea came with us and we met Pietro and Paolo there. It was crowded when we got there, but paolo said it was 100 times worse before we arrived. As the afternoon wore on there were fewer and fewer kids and our kids had the opportunity to play on the things that had long lines just a few hours before. They had lots of fun.

Why do I H8 our House, let me count the ways...

this house was built in the 60s and we got here just in time for one thing after another to break. I'd almost rather use the bathroom at Autogrill than use this one....wait I may actually have to, let me explain. Before the summer the sink started dripping cuz the pipes were corroding. We called one guy here who kind of looked at it, changed a washer or something and then left. It still dripped. Then we called the landlord and asked him to send us over a plumber, same deal. Eventually the lime build up plugged up the hole and we didnt worry about it anymore.
After the summer it started back up again, but not too badly. In the meantime the construction started on our building. And there has been a lot of hammering and drilling and all around chaos. We've had to take all our cleaning products off the cabinet on the back balconey and find new places in the house for them, namely under the sink. Fine, I guess i can deal with that too. The other day I go into the bathroom and my feet are constantly wet and Sophia keeps slipping and nearly knocking herself out. I realize that the bidet has sprung a leak. The horizontal pipe on the left is totally corroded underneath and needs to be changed. I only clean the bidet, I don't use it-but since there is construction and dust all the time-ive been cleaning a couple of times a week (the real reason why i hate all the construction-it leads to extra cleaning!). It got worse and worse, and of course during a time when Sophia pooped herself a couple of times, so we had to use it. Holes in the pipe got bigger and bigger and it was just like dumping the water on the ground after a while-poopy water! Look carefully, I've fixed the damn thing myself- duct tape.
By now our shower has started backing up, it is a small closet of a thing, so when the water backs up, it floods easily. I've been dumping Mr. Muscolo down the drain, but it's not helping, we need a plumber. Don't worry our story continues-now the fresh water pipe under the sink
has broken. I went into the bathroom in the middle of the night, my feet got soaked and I was slipping and sliding everywhere. ( either this stuff never happens to Max or he just pretends that it doesn't and waits for me to find out and do something about it. I vote the latter). So here is my hillbilly plumbing job, I've taken the containter I use for the laundry and shoved it under the sink, that way it's something large enough to catch the 2 drips (the old one and the new one, because they are at opposite ends of the sink). There is a towel over the spray so it doesnt shoot everywhere but collects and then drips down into the bucket and the bucket needs to get emptied every few hours. We have to becareful not to trip, because the cabinets cant close all the way and Sophia's stepping stool is in the bathroom so that she can reach the sink. There is also the mop so that we can clean up any spills. Oh BTW none of this matters because the construction workers are working outside the bathroom and we need to keep the blinds up for them so there is no privacy on the toilet. You are eye to eye when you sit down and they cement. Yesterday I held my pee for 41 minutes until Sophia got out of school. I rode my bike like a bat outta hell because the wind was cold and making me need to pee more, then I used the school bathroom.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Life of a Halloween pumpkin (or at least in our house):
1). Wait til last minute to buy pumpkin.
2). Cut pumpkin.
3). Make empty promise to not let pumpkin get mouldy and yucky before throwing it out.
4). See pumpkin starting to mouldy and get yucky, take a picture

5). See mould oozing out of pumpkin, slide the squishy mess into a double lined plastic bag and swear under your breath that you will not let this happen again next year because it is twice the work, ruins the furniture and is absolutely gross.

i actually didnt take a picture of when it was at it's grodiest because i was gagging from the smell and squishy yuckiness of the whole scene. well there is always next year

Monday, November 3, 2008

Black Eye-Pi(etro)

Our little friend Pietro gave himself a blackeye jumping on the bed. Had to take a picture because it was too cute. He looked like a tough guy and the funny thing is there was this 'older' girl following him around and trying to play with him- he had that younger man/bad boy look going on i guess.

drawing with chalk