Friday, August 1, 2008

Super Franks part II

Well one of the parents at the pool suggested that Max might like the Costco in Livermore...yeah I know, but he's been there/done that for the Golden Gate, Napa, Alcatraz, etc. His thing is Costco, Fry's and Target in more or less that order (altho I've noticed that we've hit Macy's at least once on his last 3 trips out hereWell one of the parents at the pool suggested that Max might like the Costco in Livermore...yeah I know, but he's been there/done that for the Golden Gate, Napa, Alcatraz, etc. His thing is Costco, Fry's and Target in more or less that order (altho I've noticed that we've hit Macy's at least once on his last 3 trips out here). But I digress, anyhoo the Costco in Livermore is much nicer than the ones over here, Joe was right. But pizza, hot dogs etc are the same. Holly let us in on her card and we did a little bit of shopping, a very little because Sophia had a tantrum (i could hear her all the way in the back back of the store). And after we hung out at aunt holly's with the kids for a little while and then it was over to Super Franks to meet Alana's Gang.
Skeeball to earn 30 tickets to get a very small plastic dinosaur (which we will im sure lose).
I dont know what Chandler is eating, but he sure makes it look good!

1 comment:

Holly said...

mmmmm my kids like to eat!!!