Thursday, August 14, 2008

Isabel's Bday

Today is Isabel's birthday, she had the party at PumpItUp. It was our first time, i must say, they sure are stinkin' organized there. First you check in and then they show the kids a video on the rules and how to behave. Then the kids go into a room where there are a bunch of those blow up toys, they run and go wild. Then they get to go in a second room with different jumpy things (and presumably another party starts in the other room). Finally there is a third room all set up with pizza, salad and cake and balloons (you bring in your own cake, and the rest is done thru PIU). I wish i got a pictures of the cake and cupcakes. Maria, Izzy's aunt (and my first and second grade classmate) made and decorated them and they were amazing! Sophia had lots of fun and was totally pooped afterwards. *warning* apparently you can get a burn going down those slide things, i did and it HURTS! who knew!

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