Sunday, August 31, 2008

Auntie Chell and Uncle Matts feat. Mrs Colbert

My sister invited us over to her house for lunch...there were lots of yummy appies and bbq chicken and salmon. as usual i overate. Mrs Colbert, who used to teach with my mom, but now travels with her instead was came over too. we went to the heather farms park for a little walk and to play.looks like more resting that walking ladies...

uncle matt scares the poop out of sophia, while auntie michelle just looks on and laughs and laughs and laughs...oh bad kharma my dear friends....
auntie michelle enjoys her first poop cleaning up experience...sophia didnt was having so much fun, she didnt want to tell anyone she had to poop...she left little rabbit raisins all around the living room. it was like easter, m and m kept finding them hidden in various places (i wonder if they found all of them? hmmmmmm)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Isabel's Bday

Today is Isabel's birthday, she had the party at PumpItUp. It was our first time, i must say, they sure are stinkin' organized there. First you check in and then they show the kids a video on the rules and how to behave. Then the kids go into a room where there are a bunch of those blow up toys, they run and go wild. Then they get to go in a second room with different jumpy things (and presumably another party starts in the other room). Finally there is a third room all set up with pizza, salad and cake and balloons (you bring in your own cake, and the rest is done thru PIU). I wish i got a pictures of the cake and cupcakes. Maria, Izzy's aunt (and my first and second grade classmate) made and decorated them and they were amazing! Sophia had lots of fun and was totally pooped afterwards. *warning* apparently you can get a burn going down those slide things, i did and it HURTS! who knew!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

workin at the carwash

wooaaah wooahh woooahhh, car wash yeah! work and work! it was really hot today and all those trips back and forth over the dumbarton made the car really splotched with bug splatter. yuck! as tradition has it the kid has to wash the mom's car!

torna alla vita, torna alla realta

or back to life, back to reality as we would say...max went back home today. i dont think sophia quite understands that he left. im sure in a few hours she will get it and start saying 'i miss daddy', 'where is daddy.' for now she was just upset that he went on the airplane without her.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

L'Ultima Cena Outback

the last supper at the out back. max goes home tomorrow. it was the last chance for my dad to use max as an excuse to go out for a steak dinner. my dad loves a steak dinner, can ya tell? he's really into the outback and thats why we went for that traditional american steak at themed restaurant. g'day mate.

Friday, August 8, 2008

the bears...

it was over to los osos to see maria and james. there are several cool things about los osos and morro bay, but one of the coolest is watching the pelicans dive. there are several restaurants and bars along the bay that you can just sit and soak in the views.
another cool thing is the seal rescue center.
for 50 cents you can get a little bag of fish and feed the seals. they will do some tricks and make a lot of noise. there are only 3 but they are also extra stinky!
sheri and dana surprised us with a homemade dinner!
mmmm, james has a way to make it look so appetizing!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


met ale and paola at the lake merrit station in oaktown and then headed over to napa for some wine tasting.
ale loved grigch and we stayed there for quite a while, then headed over to v satui for a picnic.
Then it was back to SF.
and out to japanese with ryan.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Silly Faces

Ceramics was cancelled today, but we went to the Crane's anyways. The kids had a good time playing together. We tried to take a normal picture with everyone sitting on the stairs, but of course Sophia wouldt cooperate, so we just rolled with the punches!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Emil Villa's

Apparently its still around. Mom got home from her ww rafting trip today and we went to go pick her up (and present her with her new gps that we've been playing with), on the way home we stopped by for some good ol fashioned BBQ, it was finger licking good!
Mom back from white water rafting, grubbin on some babyback ribs
first time real Q for Max
dad chowin down.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Max had to work this wknd, so we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium today. It was really busy for a monday!!! Matt came and met us after swim practice and off we went trying out mom's gps.
"look at all those people inside that 'terrarium, i wonder what they're lookin at?" fishin with uncle matt
P. Sherman, 42 wallaby way, We finally found NEMO!!!!
the penguins and us

Ardenwood Farms

This year Max got to come and visit the farm. We went after swim lessons and lunch, so we got there a little late and didnt have time to do everything, like ride on the train, but we still got to: see the stinky pigs (i was downwind taking the foto, PU!),
wash clothes the old fashion way,
get up close and personal with the goat,
feed the sheep,
watch a black smith
and bring home a horseshoe for nonna and nonno.

Super Franks part II

Well one of the parents at the pool suggested that Max might like the Costco in Livermore...yeah I know, but he's been there/done that for the Golden Gate, Napa, Alcatraz, etc. His thing is Costco, Fry's and Target in more or less that order (altho I've noticed that we've hit Macy's at least once on his last 3 trips out hereWell one of the parents at the pool suggested that Max might like the Costco in Livermore...yeah I know, but he's been there/done that for the Golden Gate, Napa, Alcatraz, etc. His thing is Costco, Fry's and Target in more or less that order (altho I've noticed that we've hit Macy's at least once on his last 3 trips out here). But I digress, anyhoo the Costco in Livermore is much nicer than the ones over here, Joe was right. But pizza, hot dogs etc are the same. Holly let us in on her card and we did a little bit of shopping, a very little because Sophia had a tantrum (i could hear her all the way in the back back of the store). And after we hung out at aunt holly's with the kids for a little while and then it was over to Super Franks to meet Alana's Gang.
Skeeball to earn 30 tickets to get a very small plastic dinosaur (which we will im sure lose).
I dont know what Chandler is eating, but he sure makes it look good!