Saturday, April 28, 2007

Auntie Holly's Here

M surprised H with a stop-over from Dubai to Italy! Hooray! Been fighting a cold and allergies so ive been drinkin lots of vitamin C and water...was a long trip to Malpensa. Ran in, went potty and saw that H's flight was delayed. (Lucky for us, cuz we were late!). Ran back out, we parked the car and found sophia was kind of stinky. Murphy's law, thought she pooped. Luckily it was early enough to go to the pharmacy and i could get some diapers (used the emergency diaper in the car last time and i forgot to replace it!). I was afraid to let her sit on the counter, because her diaper was pretty full, i didnt want to leave any trails and the pharmacist was not that friendly/compassionate. Back to the bathroom again, and i didnt notice the first time, but there was no changing station, and since she was already leaking and fussy i didnt want to drag her and find one. so i just dried off some counter space, and changed her. luckily she was just full of pee (she did a little vomit from coughing, hence the stinky smell). Cleaned her up and we waited for H. S was so excited to see her! Well i suppose M was too, not sure who was happiest. And as usual H is too smart for her own good, she already had an inkling M was comin! But she was happy anyways! Good thing we got the diapers because after that another one was needed, and this time it was the real deal.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I so love being here! And I'm glad we can blog together now! Hooray for technology..... we'll have to see what adventure we'll do today!