Friday, April 27, 2007

The Amazing Race

Mike flew into Malpensa at 9, Friday morning. We hung out and I actually DROVE to the Carrefour. Since Holly wasn't here yet, M was my stand-in shopping buddy. We got back to CM and since M didn't want to go to sleep, we got the bikes out and went for a little ride into town. M got some Geox runners so he can keep the European look when he got back to the states. Then it was off for some gelato. Yum! Went to go and check out the cost and look of Corona hotel, then we rode to Sophias pre-school, back home again and then raced to go get H because we were running a couple of minutes late and I was stressed about the traffic. Luckily M wasnt, he's a great driver! I couldnt believe he actually drove thru rush-hour traffic....and we lived!!! M and I pretended we were in the Amazing Race to get thru it, but since we didnt really fight we faked it so it would be like the real AR.

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