Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Went to Ardenwood Farms in Fremont with Gma. Mom is Hitler the Summer Vacation Organizing Nazi. She is determined that we are going to have an action filled vacation and we are going to have fun if it kills her! It was hot and the tour guide lady for the farmhouse was old and dont touch anything type of person, if Sophia even looked
too closely at the old spoons she tensed up. She was creakier than the old floor boards! But checking out the animals was fun. The docents let the kids gather eggs, watch the feeding of the horse, cows etc and the kids can help give hay to the sheep. Of course there was the crazy mom that had her kid dressed frillier than an easter egg, mega expensive cannon digital camera out and shoo'd away all the other kids out her her kids picture. And of course the little girl was getting irritable because she couldnt play or get dirty and just had to pose. Im sure the mom thought her kid was gonna have the modeling career she missed out on. Reality check lady, your did aint that cute, you'd better pray for a cute grand kid in 25 years. Luckily Sophia is too young to notice and it just flew over her head! The thought has crossed my mind to see if Sophia could do some modeling but I dont want to end up like that lady nor do I want to be so unaware of people sending me dirty looks that my big ol' camera lens and my kids head is ruining everyone's good time at the farm.

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