Sunday, September 9, 2007

Daaadddyyyy Weeaaaahh Ahhhh Yuuuuuu?

Okay if I didnt hate USAIR already, I really hate them now!! They SUCK! They are disorganized! And the lady at their, whom wasnt wearing a name tag, was RUDE! Lucky her. Okay here is the scenario...Max was due to arrive at 10 pm, and due to my Mother's constant nagging, I checked, double checked and rechecked to see if his flight was on time. And it was. I asked my parents if they wanted to come with us to the airport to get Max, and they said yes (well actually my mom did, you know she answers for my dad-poor walter mitty). So we get there and of course Sophia is tired and falling asleep in the car. And of course the 'rents bicker about which lane to be in to go towards parking, where the USAIR parking area is, which space to park in, to remember where we parked blah blah blah. Finally we get upstairs to the exit of the arrival gate, where my parents came to pick Soph and I up, there is no 10pm USAIR flight fr Philly, but there is a 10.20 one, so i figured did i get the time wrong? And plus on the screen, the USAIR symbol flips back and forth to the United symbol. So I didnt really get what was going on, but i knew that he was on the flight and on time so we waited. and waited. and sophia got bored and was running all around. the m and d bickered, the m ordered the d to go get a cart that someone left lying around so we wouldnt have to pay for one. then the d decided to go downstairs and see if we missed him and he was in the luggage area and the m got mad at that. then s and i went to the book store to kill time, and the d went to ask at the desk about the flight. then he came in the book store and snapped at me about the flight not being there being somewhere else. so i asked where, and he irrationally snapped he didnt know how was he supposed to know thats just what they told him. i know that he is so bitchy because the m was so bitchy to him and its just the vicious cycle, so instead of keeping that cycle going i head over to the desk myself. I ask this cute little asian girl about whats going on and some bitchy arabic lady with badly died hair lady calls us over to where she is, we've got to step over this young stressed out desperate japanese tourist couple who have their luggage strewn everywhere and in her demeaning tone tells me that she already explained this to him (points finger at dad) that the flight is shuttled by united in terminal 3, which is about a 7 minute walk (we are in terminal 1) . Im about to walk away, not realizing quite yet how condescending the lady is being, but i ask how would we have known that, (scene: sophia kicking and pushing and trying to get out of my arms) how could we avoid this in the future, how were we supposed to know that the flight is shuttled by United? and i was quite responded quite rudely that the passenger should have already known and he should have told us. Since Max had now been waiting about 45 minutes I didnt go on about it. and we ran our 7 minutes down the rest of terminal 1, thru a corridor, thru terminal 2, down another corridor and over to terminal 3 to go and get him. All the while realizing how curt and rude the woman was, and why didnt i say anything. Of course Max wasnt at the United gate, so we went down to luggage, but of course we didnt see him in there. We found him sitting outside waiting for our car to pass. Poor him, so I bitch and complain about him, and then kiss him hello. Sophia was excited to see her Daddy! And then we March back towards USAIR because thats our car is parked and I am about to give them a piece of my mind. My mom is walking faster than we are, and im like where the hell do you think you're going, you stay out of it, im going to complain. Of course we get there and nobody is there. And so I march over to the white courtesy telephones and call the airlines and complain. in the mean time i can see my mom banging on the door. finally someone answers, and i complain and im told to hold and of course i get disconnected. so i call back, i say i want someone to march out and talk to us, but of course the girl is in tuscon or timbucktu or something so she cant do much, but she takes our complaint and tells us someone will call us back (of course no one does and i end up calling them back but thats another story). when i look up again some one is at the desk talking to my mother. and i groan. so i go over there and listen and then i tell the guy the deal. its the asian girl and a guy (named jerry). jerry is really nice, luckily cuz im pissed, and because he is nice i actually calm down. they know who i am complaining about but of course they dont want to name names. Anyhoo long story short, this is only one of several stupid problems that we have with usairways due to their disorganization. A clearer label on the main ticket page could have avoided all this for us. And a non agressively-bitchy employee would employee would have helped too.