Friday, June 8, 2007

Auntie Laura's

Got up tooo early to finish packing, clean the house and leave to Poggibonsi in Tuscany. We stayed at Aunt Laura's...where I unfortunately forgot to take pictures. We arrived, Max's parents were there waiting for us, everyone pressured me into letting them take Sophia a day early to the beach and not going to the wedding with us (which i later regretted) and it was such a whirlwind and chaos I forgot to send everything with the grandparents and didnt get any pics of sophia and max's auntie laura, oh well, next time.
We did hang out a bit with max's cousin fabio and his really sweet girlfriend virginia. we went to visit San Lucchese and Cassero (a historic church and an ancient castle, recently restored, built by lorenzo de medici)

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